<aside> 👀 So you want to list a piece of land as a chamber? You are in the right place!


This is how it works


  1. We find local land that would be a good fit for growing food locally
  2. Eco-Chamber Proposes a contract with the land owner to lease a portion of their property for Agricultural purposes.
  3. Land owner agrees to contract and chamber is created
    1. We send them their Chamber NFT
      1. Help them set up their crypto wallet and Dapp
  4. We assign a Chair for the Chamber
    1. The chair will approve member to join the chamber
  5. Each week we check in on the chamber cultivation and contribution
  6. WE give community members a chance to but CSA subscription to the chamber
  7. We grow food and distribute it to the top chamber contributors

<aside> 💌 To be honest, we are still cultivating as much as we can to make this DAO as effective and easy as possible, so please send your questions or concerns to [email protected]
